Saturday 18 May 2013

Why some people are successful than others.

Why do some only dream of success while, others wake up to achieve it? One reason is the use of time, what do you spend most of your time doing? What habits take up your time?
Everyone will one day reap the harvest of their habits; those acts that have urshered many to greatness and many others to a great fall. Your habits can either be your best friend or your worst enemy. That which you habitually do will enventually become an addiction that will consume your time. Sleeping can be an addiction. Eating can be an addiction. Watching television can be an addiction.Gossip can be an addiction. If you lived for 75 years and slept consistently 8 hours a day all your life,you would have spent a total of 25 years sleeping. Similarly,if you watch television for 8 hours a day,you will have spent a total of 25 years watching television.
If people learn how to manage their time well, they stand a better chance of fulfilling their dreams. The issue of time management is a very big problem for a lot people. Time,like money, is spent and just like money,it can only be spent once. Where do you want to be in your old age? The answer to this is being decided right now by you,whether consciously or unconsciously, by how you are spending your time. The ground of greatness is time and what you plant in that ground will determine the harvest of your life - our outcomes in life are expressions of how we invested our time. The quality of a person's life is determined by how they manage their time. If you do not keep time with yourself or do things when they should be done,it will be difficult for you to keep your appointment with destiny.
The big challenge with a lot of people is not the fact that they did not have vision for the future,it is that they do not realise that every dream has demands and until you are ready to meet those demands,it will alwalys remain a dream.
The dividing line between living a successful life and living a life of struggle often lies in willingness and ability to meet the demands of the dream. The bigger the dream, the bigger the demands. The demands of the dream mean that time and resources that would have been spent on other things must be channelled to the dream.
It means risking failure and ridicule. If your dream does not consume you to a point where you can give your all and risk your all for it,then something isn't right. But when the dream becomes like the religious pearl that a man finds and sells all he has to obtain,then the dream is more likely to become a reality.
Fear always asks the question," What if it does not work?" And at that point, many are intimidated into silence. They see their ideas not working and then, they aid fear by even thinking further. They think of what people will say and how they will look in the eyes of people.
First let's get this straight,if you are overly concerned about what people say about you then you will never amount to anything great in life. Secondly, if you knew how little people talk about you,you might actually get offended that they are not talking about you enough. Thirdly, i subscribe to Steve Jobs philosophy. He did not believe in market research because he said the public did not know what they wanted. If we do not have this attitude towards what people this about us, we will be frozen in the prison of fear and intimidation.
Also, think of this, if a president were to spend time listening to all the people who talk about him, he would not have time to run the country. So friends, rejoice. If people gossip about you,then it has established one thing- that on the ladder of greatness, you are above them.
My response to the question, " what if  it doesn't work?" Has always been " i don't care!" If it works, fine, if it doesn't work, fine. If it doesns't work, i will have learned something in the process and i will be better than the one who has not tried anything yet.
As you grow, mistakes of your youth have a way of becoming the wisdom of your old age. Only those who dare to fail greatly will ever succeed greatly. Only those who are ready to lose sight of the shore will  ever discover new lands. Don't wait for the right conditions, you will wait forever. Create the conditions you desire by your leaps of faith.
Be deaf to non- constructive criticisms: they are both fickle and unreliable. My personal motto has always been that the world is my stage and the Almighty God  my audience. My job description at the end of the day is to please my audience.

By Nicholas Macharia

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